CPS High School Programs 2019-2020
This directory is a collection of the high schools in the Chicago Public Schools District that reported offering some type of language program for the 2019-2020 school year. Below you will find a link to the map of only High School programs and the full searchable directory of those same programs.
Map Heading link

Click HERE to view the full map.
This map shows all of the high schools that offer some type of language program. The offerings are specified in the description of each school and are visually displayed with the icons and colors of the legend to the right.
CPS High School Programs Directory Heading link
School | CPS/Charter | School Type/Program | Grades | Language Program? | Languages | Website - language information | Notes |
Back of the Yards HS | CPS | DL | 9-12 | Dual | French, Spanish, HL Spanish | https://boycp.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=209705&type=d | |
Morgan Park HS | CPS | 7-12 | WL | French, Spanish | https://morganparkcps.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=222695&type=d&pREC_ID=434448 | ||
Schurz HS | CPS | 9-12 | Dual | French, Italian (?), Spanish, HL Spanish | https://schurzhs.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=359556&type=d&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=678209 | DLE program is with Spanish, other languages are offered as WL classes | |
Acero - Garcia HS | CPS | STEM | 9-12 | WL | Spanish, Mandarin | https://hg.aceroschools.org/apps/departments/ | |
Acero - de la Cruz HS | CPS | Fine and Performing Arts | WL | Spanish | https://jc.aceroschools.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=814329&type=d&pREC_ID=1313615 | ||
Acero - SOTO HS | CPS | GE | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://vs.aceroschools.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=809859&type=d&pREC_ID=1313652 | |
Air Force HS | CPS | Service and Leadership (former military) | 9-12 | WL | French | https://afahs.org/apps/staff/departmental.jsp?show=TDE | have 1 French teacher |
Alcott HS | CPS | GE | 9-12 | WL | French | https://www.alcottcollegeprep.net/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=206282&type=d | |
Amundsen HS | CPS | Game Programming & Web Design | 9-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage | French, Spanish, Japanese | https://www.amundsenhs.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1419730&type=d&pREC_ID=1645846 | Spanish: have as WL and as HL |
Aspira - Business & Finance HS | CPS | GE | 9-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage | Spanish | https://abfhs.aspirail.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=389008&type=d | |
Aspira - Early College HS | CPS | GE | 9-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage | Spanish | https://aec.aspirail.org/apps/departments/?show=TDE|ESD | says HL on CPS website, not on school website |
Austin CCA HS | CPS | GE | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | http://accachicago.cps.edu/student-handbook.html | 2 years of same WL is required to graduate but only Spanish seems to be offered |
Back of the Yards HS | CPS | DL | 9-12 | Dual, WL, Spanish/Heritage | French, Spanish, HL Spanish | https://boycp.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=209705&type=d | Appears to have Spanish HL and DL program, CPS says French but course offerings aren't updated |
Bogan HS * | CPS | Accounging | 9-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage | French, Spanish | https://boganhs.org/apps/classes/ | has Bilingual Education program and WL department, neither are updated. past years had either Spanish OR French OR none |
Bowen HS | CPS | GE | 9-12 | WL, HL | Spanish | https://www.bowenhs.org/Bilingual_Education | Transitional Program of Instruction (TPI) and Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) for Spanish speakers |
Bronzeville HS | CPS | IB | 9-12 | WL (?) | Spanish, French | https://bronzevillescholastic.org/apps/staff/departmental.jsp?show=TDE | 2 language teachers, but langs not specified |
Brooks BS | CPS | Selective Enrollment HS | 7-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage | Spanish, French | http://www.brookscollegeprep.org/academics/department/world-languages | |
Carver Military HS | CPS | Service and Leadership (former military) | 9-12 | WL | Spanish, French (?) | https://carvermilitary.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=245144&type=d | both langs listed on CPS but only have info on Spanish teachers on school's website. 2 years of same lang required to graduate |
Catalyst - Maria | Charter | GE | K-12 | https://catalystschools.org/about-us/academics | no language information | ||
Chiarts HS (Chicago High School for the Arts) | CPS | Creative Writing | 9-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage | Spanish, French | http://chiarts.org/prospective-students-parents/academics/ | has 2 classes specific for heritage speakers of Spanish, merge with L1 English speakers at the end |
Chicago Academy HS | CPS | GE | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://chicagoacademyhs.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=392081&type=d | One Spanish teacher |
Chicago Collegiate Charter School | Charter | GE | 4-12 | WL | Spanish | https://chicagocollegiate.org/faculty-and-staff/ | One Spanish teacher |
Chicago Math and Science HS | Charter | GE | 6-12 | WL | Spanish, Turkish | http://www.cmsaonline.net/ | both stated on CPS website, hard to find concrete info on school's site, but both yielded search results about Spanish/Turkish classes |
Chicago Military at Bronzeville HS | CPS/District | Service and Leadership (former military) | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://chicagomilitaryacademy.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=16449&type=d | |
Chicago Tech HS | CPS/Contract | STEM | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://chitech.org/curriculum/ | |
Chicago Virtual | Charter | GE | K-12 | WL | Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Latin, Spanish | https://schoolinfo.cps.edu/schoolprofile/SchoolDetails.aspx?SchoolId=400036 | all lang info from CPS website, all things on school's site went to the other online learning companies |
Chicago Vocational HS | CPS/District | Agricultural Sciences | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://www.cvcacademy.org/ | says Spanish on CPS site, has World Languages department, but teachers links are all just emails |
CICS - Chicagoquest HS | Charter | STEM | 9-12 | WL | French (?), Spanish (?) | https://chicagoquest.org/ | CPS says French/Spanish but no info on website. i watched an info video and they mentioned classes, but languages weren't one of them |
CICS - Ellison HS | Charter | GE | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://cicsellison.org/apps/departments/ | has the department but no teachers/classes |
CICS - Longwood | Charter | GE | 3-12 | https://ms.cicslongwood.org/ | no info on CPS of school site | ||
CICS - Northtown HS | Charter | GE | 9-12 | WL | Spanish, French (?) | https://cicsnorthtown.org/apps/departments/ | has WL department, 1 spn teacher, another lang teacher but lang not specified. CPS says French but no proof on school's site |
Clark HS | CPS/District | Early College STEM | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://micheleclark.org/apps/departments/ | WL department, 1 spn teacher |
Clemente HS * | CPS/District | Allied Health | 9-12 | WL (?), Spanish/Heritage | Spanish | https://www.rccachicago.org/ | CPS says French/Spanish but no info on website. Have 2 "language" teachers, but language not specified |
Collins HS | CPS/District | Game Programming | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | http://collinsacademyhs.org/ | 2 Spanish teachers |
Corliss HS | CPS/District | Early College STEM | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://newcorlisshs.org/apps/staff/ | 1 Spanish teacher |
Crane Medical HS | CPS/District | Health Sciences | 9-12 | WL | Spanish, Chinese, French | https://newcranemedicalprep.org/apps/departments/ | 3 language teachers, searches showed info on classes in all three languages |
Curie HS * | CPS/District | Accounting | 9-12 | WL, Spanish TBE, Spanish TPI, Spanish/Heritage | Spanish, French, Chinese | https://www.curiehs.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=870184&type=d&pREC_ID=1228050# | either a WL program, or transitional program for Spanish speakers to gain English knowledge -- no goals to keep Spanish/Native language |
Disney II HS | CPS/District | GE | 7-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage | Spanish, Mandarin | https://disneyiimagnet.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=256034&type=d&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=495821 | Spanish: I-III | Spanish HL: I-II | AP Spanish | Mandarin: I-IV |
Dunbar HS | CPS/District | Allied Health | 9-12 | WL | Spanish, French | https://schoolinfo.cps.edu/schoolprofile/SchoolDetails.aspx?SchoolId=609676 | no info on website at all, CPS says Spanish and French |
Dyett Arts HS | CPS/District | Band | 9-11 | https://newdyett.org/apps/departments/ | No info on CPS or School's website | ||
Epic HS | Charter | GE | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://www.epicacademy.org/ | has spanish in course offerings in student handbook, only 2 classes |
Farragut HS * | CPS/District | GE | PK, 9-12 | WL, Bilingual, Spanish/Heritage | Spanish | https://fcaib.org/apps/departments/ | has bilingual education department (w spanish) and spanish department, not a whole lot of info in either |
Fenger HS | CPS/District | Carpentry | 9-12 | WL | Spanish, French | https://fengerhighschool.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=260454&type=d | Spanish and French, 2 years required for graduation |
Foreman HS | CPS/District | Digital Media | 9-12 | WL, HL (?) | Spanish, Polish (?) | http://foremancca.org/directory/ | CPS says Polish but no department. Has WL department with Spanish teachers and a Bilingual Department -- language not specified but i assume Spanish. CPS also says it has HL Spanish |
Foundations | Charter | GE | 6-11 | https://www.foundationscollegeprep.org/ | no language info on website or CPS | ||
Gage Park HS | CPS/District | Allied Health | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://www.gageparkhs.org/apps/staff/ | WL department, Spanish teachers |
Goode HS | CPS/District | Early College STEM | 9-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage | Spanish | http://goodestemacademy.org/academics/departments/world-languages | Spanish, one HL class (level 2), has a Bilingual/ESL department but there is no information about it |
Hancock HS | CPS/District | Pre-Engineering | 9-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage | Spanish, French | https://www.hancockhs.org/apps/departments/ | Spanish & French, two "Spanish Speaker" classes -- i think that means HL. Has a ELL/Bilingual Department but no information |
Harlan HS | CPS/District | Digital Media | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://www.harlanfalcons.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1457958&type=d&pREC_ID=1625154 | Spanish on CPS, searched and found Spanish courses but no other languages put up |
Hirsch HS | CPS/District | GE | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://www.hirschmetrohs.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1492416&type=d&pREC_ID=staff | Has 1 WL teacher who probs speaks Spanish, CPS says Spanish |
Horizon - Southwest | Charter | GE | 9-12 | ||||
Hubbard HS | CPS/District | GE | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://www.hubbardhighschool.org/apps/departments/ | Has a WL department, but doesn't specify the language -- information not updated. Has Spanish and Bilingual teachers |
Hyde Park HS | CPS/District | Broadcast Technology | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://hydeparkcps.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=36011&type=d | Has WL department, but not information updated. One Spanish teacher |
Instituto - Health | Charter | GE | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://www.ihsca.org/apps/staff/ | has some spanish teachers |
Intrinsic HS | Charter | GE | 7-12 | WL | Spanish | https://intrinsicschools.org/apps/departments/?show=TDE | Only department is Spanish, not WL or anything. 3 teachers |
Jones HS * | CPS/District | Pre-Engineering | 9-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage | Spanish, French, Chinese (Mandarin) | https://www.jonescollegeprep.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1465119&type=d&pREC_ID=1620501 | pretty big department, use 5C's, students can gain a seal of biliteracy and be part of the national honors society |
Juarez HS * | CPS/District | Architecture | 9-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage | Spanish, French | https://www.benitojuarez.net/world-languages | Spanish: I-III, as HL: I-II, AP Span, IB Span: 3 courses. French: I-III, with Honors options and IB courses. |
Julian HS | CPS/District | Allied Health | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://www.pljulianhs.net/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=20704&type=d | CPS says Spanish, has WL department and search results have info on Spanish only |
Kelly HS | CPS/District | AVID | 9-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage | Spanish, Mandarin | http://www.kellycollegeprep.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1455988&type=d&pREC_ID=1614232 | Offers Spanish and Mandarin, 2 years in same lang to graduate. Has courses specific to Spanish Speakers |
Kennedy HS * | CPS/District | GE | 9-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage | Spanish, Polish (?) | https://www.kennedyhschicago.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=313531&type=d | Has WL Department, Spanish teacher specified -- other "language" teachers not. CPS says Polish but website has no information other than a Polish Club. Has Bilingual/ELL Department with fancy PPT., but it doesn't say anything about the actual program... |
Kenwood HS | CPS/District | Magnet Program | 7-12 | WL | French, Mandarin, Spanish, Latin | https://kenwoodacademy.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=186518&type=d&pREC_ID=376157 | Chinese: I-IV, AP | French: I-IV, AP | Latin: Honors I-IV/V | Spanish: Regular I-III, Honors I-IV, AP |
Kings HS | CPS/District | Selective Enrollment HS | 9-12 | WL | French, Spanish, ASL | https://newkcp.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=242110&type=d | French 1-4, Spanish 1-AP Spanish Language, American Sign Language |
Lake View HS | CPS/District | Early College STEM | 9-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage (?) | Spanish, French | https://www.lakeviewhs.com/worldlanguages/classes | Spanish: 1-4, AP, HL: 1-4 | French: I-4. Does have some ELL english courses |
Lane Tech HS | CPS/District | Selective Enrollment HS | 7-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage | Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Russian, Spanish, and Spanish for Spanish Speakers. | https://lanetech.org/course-catalog/languages/ | amazing program! |
Legal Prep HS | Charter | Law and Public Safety | 9-12 | WL (?) | Spanish (?) | http://www.legalprep.org/ | CPS says Spanish but no info about departments or staff on school's website |
Lincoln Park HS | CPS/District | Drama | 9-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage | Arabic, Mandarin, French, Spanish | https://www.lincolnparkhs.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=922405&type=d&pREC_ID=1258919 | Arabic: I-II, PDP I-II, IB SL I-II | Mandarin: I-IV | French: I-IV, AP, PDP/Adv I-II, IB SL/HL I-II | Spanish: I-IV, HL: I-II, AP Lit, Lang, PDP/Adv I-II, IB SL/HL I-II |
Lindbloom HS | CPS/District | Selective Enrollment HS | 7-12 | WL | Arabic, Chinese | https://lindblomeagles.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=107671&type=d | Chinese: I-IV, AP | Arabic: I-IV |
LVLHS Infinity HS | CPS/District | STEM | 9-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage (?) | Spanish | https://www.infinityhs.org/apps/departments/ | WL department only has Spanish listed, CPS says Spanish only. Searches give classes for Spanish Speakers. one doc has info on some French classes but I can't find any French teachers... |
LVLHS Multicultural HS | CPS/District | Fine and Performing Arts | 9-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage (?) | Spanish | https://ma.lvlhs.org/apps/search/index.jsp?q=spanish&sa.x=0&sa.y=0 | has 1 spanish teacher, in the search linked they have a ton of languages listed, but when you click on the page there is nothing there... CPS says Spanish and HL Spanish |
LVLHS - Social Justice HS | CPS/District | GE | 9-12 | WL | Spanish, French (?) | https://sj.lvlhs.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=19234&type=d&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=18346 | no real info on page, has WL department but no info after that |
LVLHS - World Languages HS | CPS/District | GE | 9-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage (?) | Spanish | https://wl.lvlhs.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=24552&type=d&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=staff | same as other pages |
Manley HS | CPS/District | Culinary Arts | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://manleyhighschool.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=222642&type=d | Has a Spanish department, no current info. Spanish listed under requirement for graduation (as opposed to WL) |
Marine Leadership at Ames HS | CPS/District | Service and Leadership (former military) | 7-12 | WL (?) | Spanish (?), French (?) | http://marine.cps.edu/staff-directory.html | CPS says Spanish and French, but no info on website. no language department or staff listed, nor graduation requierements |
Marshall HS | CPS/District | Agricultural Sciences | 9-12 | WL (?) | Spanish (?), French (?) | http://marshallmetro.cps.edu/ | CPS says Spanish and French, but no info on website. no language department or staff listed, nor graduation requierements |
Mather HS | CPS/District | AVID | 9-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage | Spanish, French | https://matherhs.org/pdf/CourseDescriptions1314.pdf | French: I-IV w honors | Spanish: Regular/Honors I-IV, HL I-III, AP Lit |
Morgan Park HS | CPS/District | GE | 7-12 | WL | Spanish, French | https://morganparkcps.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=14061&type=d&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=staff | Spanish and French teachers listed under WL department |
New Englewood HS | STEM | https://schoolinfo.cps.edu/schoolprofile/SchoolDetails.aspx?SchoolId=610592 | brand new school!! opening fall 2019, no website yet. | ||||
Noble - Academy HS | Charter | GE | 9-12 | WL | Russian | http://nobleschools.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/All-Staff-List-SY1819-Email-List-for-Parents-.pdf | one Russian teacher |
Noble - Baker HS | Charter | GE | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jjBv0ryPMKeCN_u6qNqf3Zh_AwS8IelD/view | |
North Lawndale - Christiana HS | Charter | GE | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://www.nlcphs.org/staff/spanish/ | |
North Lawndale - Collins HS | Charter | GE | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://www.nlcphs.org/parents/spanish/ | |
North-Grand HS | CPS/District | Allied Health | 9-12 | WL | Spanish, French | https://www.northgrandhs.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=183211&type=d&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=367981 | Also has big ESL/ELL department that boasts four ESL and four Communications courses |
Northside Prep HS | CPS/District | Selective Enrollment HS | 9-12 | WL | Chinese, French, Japanese, Spanish, Latin | https://northsideprep.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=237283&type=d&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=460386 | All languages offer courses level 1-AP |
Odgen HS * | CPS/District | IB | 9-12 | WL, Heritage/Spanish | Spanish, French | http://ogden.cps.edu/world-languages.html | Spanish is offered grades K-12 and French is offered 7-12. Also have overseas exchange programs | CPS said ASL but not on website |
ORR HS | CPS/District | GE | 9-12 | WL (?) | Spanish (?) | https://www.orracademy.org/m/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=382961&type=d&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=719891 | CPS says Spanish, no department (WL or Spanish) nor teachers. is listed as graduation requirement |
Payton HS | CPS/District | Selective Enrollment HS | 9-12 | WL | Chinese, French, Latin, Spanish | https://www.wpcp.org/Academics/Departments/WorldLanguage.aspx | 2 courses required, 4 recommended |
Perspectives - Joslin HS | Charter | GE | 6-12 | WL (?) | Spanish (?) | https://schoolinfo.cps.edu/schoolprofile/SchoolDetails.aspx?SchoolId=400064 | CPS says Spanish for all these schools, but no information is given on their websites. |
Perspectives - Leadership HS | GE | https://schoolinfo.cps.edu/schoolprofile/SchoolDetails.aspx?SchoolId=400061 | |||||
Perspectives - Math & SCI HS | STEM | https://schoolinfo.cps.edu/schoolprofile/SchoolDetails.aspx?SchoolId=400066 | |||||
Perspectives - Tech HS | STEM | https://schoolinfo.cps.edu/schoolprofile/SchoolDetails.aspx?SchoolId=400062 | |||||
Phillips HS | CPS/District | Ditigal Media | 9-12 | WL | Spanish (?) | http://phillips.auslchicago.org/about | CPS says Spanish, school has 2 teachers in the "Foreign Language" department, but no more information after that |
Pheonix Military HS | CPS/District | Service and Leadership (former military) | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://phoenixmilitary.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=387105&type=d | WL department with only Spanish teachers. CPS says spanish as well |
Prosser HS | CPS/District | Career Academy | 9-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage (?) | ASL (?), French (?), Spanish (?) | https://prosseracademy.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=5718&type=d | Has WL department, no teacher's lang is specified. CPS says all the languages listed but there is no clarification on the school's website |
Raby HS | CPS/District | Broadcast Technology | 9-12 | WL (?) | Spanish (?) | http://www.alraby.org/academics.html | CPS says Spanish but there is no proof on website |
Richards HS | CPS/District | Accounting | 9-12 | WL (?) | Spanish (?) | http://richards.cps.edu/ | CPS says Spanish but there is no proof on website |
Rickover Military HS | CPS/District | Service and Leadership (former military) | 9-12 | WL | Spanish, French | https://www.rickovernaval.org/apps/pages/world_languages.jsp | 2 Spanish teachers, 1 French teacher |
Roosevelt HS | CPS/District | Cisco Networking | 8-12 | WL | Arabic, French, Spanish | https://www.rhsroughriders.org/apps/classes/ | has WL department, CPS said these 3 languages, no good info but if you search the languages previous courses come up |
Schurz HS * | CPS/District | Accounting & Entrepreneurship | 9-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage | Spanish, French | https://schurzhs.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=8384&type=d | Spanish, French, at least 1 Spanish Speaker's HL course |
Senn HS | CPS/District | Dance | 9-12 | WL, Dual (coming soon) | Spanish, French | https://www.sennhs.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1474602&type=d&pREC_ID=1626551 | Dual language program "coming soon!" but no more info than that. Has a good ELL program. |
Simeon HS | CPS/District | Career Academy | 9-12 | WL | Spanish, French (?) | https://simeonca.org/apps/classes/ | has WL program with teachers, no lang specified. def has Spanish courses, unclear re: French - CPS said so |
Solorio HS | CPS/District | Double Honors/Scholars | 9-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage | Spanish | https://4.files.edl.io/2d04/01/18/19/160928-6b189fe8-59f8-4fa6-8aa7-7cc037f49a93.pdf | Has WL (I-II), HL (I-II), and AP (lit and lang) classes |
South Shore INTL HS | CPS/District | IB | 9-12 | WL | Spanish, Chinese | https://southshoreinternational.org/apps/departments/ | WL department, searches yield evidence of Spanish and Chinese courses, as CPS said |
Spry HS | CPS/District | Three-Year, Year-Round HS | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | http://www.comlinkshs.org/ | Has Spanish classes, but maybe just in 2nd year? unclear. |
Steinmentz HS | CPS/District | Ditigal Media | 9-12 | WL, TBE | Arabic, Japanese, Spanish | https://steinmetzcp.org/apps/staff/ | Transitional Bilingual program for Spanish speakers. CPS says Arabic, Japanese, Spanish, Spanish for Heritage Speakers |
Sullivan HS | CPS/District | Accounting | 9-12 | WL | Arabic (?), French (?), Spanish (?), Spanish for Heritage Speakers (?) | https://sullivanhs.org/departments/ | has the WL department, but no information on it. can't find staff directory. also has ELL department |
Taft HS * | CPS/District | AVID | 7-12 | WL, Spanish/Heritage, Polish/Heritage | Spanish, French, Polish, Korean | https://tafths.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=369837&type=d&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=690198 | Awesome programs! HL for Spanish and Polish speakers, as well as for non-speakers. French classes all for non-speakers. Korean program is only 2 courses -- the first of which is planned for 2020-2021 school year |
Tilden HS | CPS/District | Culinary Arts | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | http://tilden.cps.edu/world-languages.html | 2 Spanish courses only |
Uplift HS | CPS/District | GE | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://uplifths.org/apps/staff/ | Spanish teachers, some ELL courses as well, |
Urban Prep Academy for Young Men - Bronzeville HS | Charter | GE | 9-12 | WL (?) | Spanish (?) | https://urbanprep.org/ | CPS says Spanish but no info on website. |
Urban Prep Academy for Young Men - Englewood HS | GE | ||||||
Von Steuben HS | CPS/District | Scholars | 9-12 | WL, Heritage/Spanish | Spanish, French, Chinese | https://www.vonsteuben.org/pdf/2019_Course_Catalog_Final.pdf | WL department, doesn't have Chinese teachers listed but in the course catalogue they do have 2 chinese classes, along with French, Spanish, HL Spanish |
Washington HS | CPS/District | GE | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://www.gwashingtonhs.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=109178&type=d | Spanish courses offered, including AP Spanish. Has WL Department, but teacher's language isn't specified |
Wells HS | CPS/District | Game Programming | 9-12 | WL, Heritage/Spanish | Spanish | https://wellshs.cps.edu/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=358014&type=d | Has Spanish for speakers and non-speakers |
Westinghouse HS | CPS/District | Career Academy | 9-12 | WL, Heritage/Spanish, Heritage/Mandarin, French | Spanish, French, Mandarin | https://newwestinghouse.org/pdf/Course_Catalog_2018-19.pdf | Spanish and Chinese heritage langauge programs and WL programs. Also some french classes for non-speakers |
Williams HS | CPS/District | GE | 9-12 | WL | Latin | https://dhwprepmed.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=72913&type=d | literally only have latin classes LMAO the FL dept. is latin |
Young HS | CPS/District | Selective Enrollment HS | 7-12 | WL, Heritage/Spanish | Spanish, Latin, Japanese, French, Chinese, ASL, Italian | https://wyoung.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=120600&type=d | Cool program with lots of languages offered. Spanish HL program, all others are WL programs |
Young Womens HS | Charter | GE | 9-12 | WL | Spanish | https://ywlcs.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=325147&type=d&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=657137 | small program, just Spanish I & II |