CPS Language Directory

All Elementary and High Schools that offer any kind of World Language program

This is an inventory of the language programs offered within the Chicago Public Schools district, both at the Elementary and High school level.

To view all these schools on a map, please click the tile below. You will find two legends for High School and Elementary School programs, respectively, along with a link to a custom Google Map.

Elementary Schools
DL - Dual Language education, use both English and LOTE as modes of instruction.
WLMCS - World Language Magnet Cluster Program (WLMCP) schools incorporate the world language magnet focus into their mission, vision and school culture. The languages currently offered through the WLMCP include French, Japanese, Mandarin and Spanish.
FPAMCS - FPAMCS: Fine and Performing Arts Magnet Cluster School
DL Immersion Magnet -

High Schools
DL - Dual Language education, use both English and LOTE as modes of instruction.
WL - World Language program, LOTE is taught as a subject matter
Heritage - Closer to a WL program where the language is taught as a subject matter, but is specifically for students who are already speakers of that language.
TBE - Transitional Bilingual Education
TPI - Transitional Program of Instruction
Bilingual - who knows this is so vague and unclear